- Time:
Offers selection criteria for the exact time (Hours & Minutes) when the pre-
programmed trigger shall be effective.
- Start / Stop:
Gives the possibity for entering a specific start and/or stop date for the
time trigger. When enabled, the selected trigger will only be effective if the current date
is between the configured start and stop date. Toggling between enabled, disabled
and the actual date configuration (if enabled) is done by turning the function dial, while
pressing confirms and proceeds to the next step.
- Clear:
Clears all the currently made settings for the selected trigger’s time settings.
For time keeping, the main unit whereto installed the FMP40 shall get synchronization
from a time server. When internet access is available, an internet timeserver will
guarantee accurate synchronization of the system according to GMT. In case your
system is restricted from access to internet, an internal time server on your LAN
network should get assigned offering synchronization to the system.
Trigger > Priority:
The ‘Priority’ option allows assignment of a priority levels for the selected trigger. The
priority level can be selected within a range of 1 to 50, having the lowest (1) number the
highest level of priority. When multiple triggers are simultaneous effective, the trigger with
highest priority (lowest number) will interrupt the others. When two triggers with identical
priority are effective, the first activated one will remain active. Browsing between priority
levels is done by turning the function dial, while pressing it confirms the current selection.
Trigger > Playmode:
The ‘Playmode’ option offers various playmode selection possibilities for the currently
selected trigger, which are selectable between:
- Repeat file while trigger active:
Infinitely repeats the configured file while trigger is
active (contact activated) and instantly stops playing once released. (contact triggering)
- Repeat folder while trigger active:
Sequentially plays all tracks in the selected
folder (if a folder is selected) while trigger is active (contact activated) and instantly
stops playing once released. Once released and re-triggered, playback will start again
from the beginning of the first track. (contact triggering)
- Repeat number of times:
Repeats the configured file for the selected number of times
when momentary triggered (timer and contact triggering). When momentary triggered
by contact, trigger shall remain active for at least 5 ms.