ChromaFlex CPA EDFA – Hardware Interface Manual
Confidential & Proprietary
1. Product Introduction
The ChromaFlex CF-CPA EDFA is a high density single slot module for the ChromaFlex chassis. The CF-CPA is a Constant
Power Amplifier therefore the composite output power remains the same over the specified range of optical input level. The
EDFA composite gain, gain per wavelength and per wavelength output power will change with a change in the number of
wavelengths or composite input power to maintain a constant output power.
Features of the CF-CPA EDFA include:
Low noise figure
Constant output power
Optional integrated return path reflect port
Front panel visual status indicators
Input and output test points
Setup and manage via SNMP, CLI, web GUI, local craft port
The CF-EDFA may include an optional integrated optical filter for applications where upstream optical signals need to be
removed and routed to other termination equipment such as retrun path receivers or destacker modules.