Part No.
Filter (Class H-H14) (ULPA) (99.999% Efficient at .12 micron)
Hose Plug Red
Filter Plug (Small Inlet) Orange
Filer Plug (Large Exhaust) Orange
Detachable 8’2” Euro Cord (230V)
Replacement Latch
Shoulder Strap
6’ Clear Hose
Utility Nozzle
Straight Wand UE7022BK
Filter Retention Bracket w/Screw and Nut
As stated, this machine is intended for commercial use, such as for hotels, schools, hospitals,
factories, shops, manufacturing facilities, rental businesses, etc. As long as your vacuum is
operating normally with the suction power, one can continue to use and reuse the filter. Once
suction decreases to a point where your full filter indicator light remains lit, and your vacuum
pressure at the end of the hose is not strong enough to pick up dirt and debris, it is time to
dispose of your filter and drop in a new filter.
This vacuum is manufactured with long life motor brushes, and will last for approximately 1,000
hours of use. The motor brushes in this vacuum cleaner are not replaceable.
In 2002, the European Union introduced the Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE). The main aim of the Directive is to ensure that WEEE is collected and
treated separately. WEEE may contain hazardous substances that should not end up in the
(human) environment because it can have adverse effects on it.
Furthermore, WEEE is a vast source of raw materials. With the ever-rising worldwide demand
for new equipment and the ever-decreasing volume of raw materials in nature, letting this
potential source of such materials go to waste is unacceptable.
If equipment is collected separately, the equipment can be recycled and up to 85 to 90% of the
equipment can be reused as new material, saving the use of virgin raw materials and the energy
of producing these. Separate collection and treatment of WEEE will thus decrease CO
emissions as well.