Atmel AVR2040
Power switch
4.1 Board assembling
1. Assemble the boards as described in Chapter
2. Make sure that the power switch on both assemblies
is in the off position.
3. Plug the yellow D-Sub-9 connector of one RS232
cable into the PC serial COM port. Connect the 6-pin
plug of the RS232 cable onto one of both REB-CBB
assemblies so that the red stripe of the ribbon cable
connects to pin 1 of the CBB header, USARTD0.
4.2 Set up the terminal program on the PC
A terminal program running on the PC is used to control the application running on
the two REB-CBB assemblies. Set up the terminal program as follows:
COM port:
COM1 (check for correct assignment)
Baud rate:
Data bits:
Stop bits:
Flow control:
4.3 Power up the assemblies
Apply power to both (optional: one) REB-
CBB assemblies by switching on the power
switch located on the top side of the CBB.
The assemblies run a power-on check, and
indicate the successful completion by
switching on the second of the three LEDs.
4.4 Run the packet error rate measurement
Type any character in the terminal window to
initiate the configuration procedure for both
REB-CBB assembly nodes and show the
menu. Optionally, if no peer node is active, the
search for a peer device can be aborted by
pressing ENTER. The node gets configured for
stand-alone operation. The packet error rate
measurement can be operated through the
menu options displayed on the UART terminal
program. Type the character “S” to run the
A detailed description of the menu options can be found in the Atmel REB231ED
Evaluation Kit User Guide.
5 Applications and documentation
Additional hardware and software documentation related to the REB231ED
evaluation kit can be found on the kit website: