Figure 2-3. Found new hardware
5. Select “Install from a list or specific location (Advanced). Click next.
6. Select “Include this location in the search:”. Select the FLIP installation folder
and the usb folder as shown bellow. Click next.
Figure 2-4. Driver path selection
7. Click
8. Open AVR Studio and select Tools -> Flip X.X.X.
9. Select Device -> Select... -> AT90USB1287 and click “OK”
10. Select Settings -> Communication -> USB and click “Open”.
11. Under “Operations Flow” check out “Erase, “Program” and “Verify”.
12. Choose the hex file to be programmed: select File -> Load hex file. Choose
the USB application firmware file (/firmware/revision_XXX/AT90USB1287/
Xplain_USB.a90) and click “OK”.
13. Press “Run”.