The OLED display will show the following text information:
Start page:
shows the welcome message with software and transceiver firmware version information and awaits a
remote sensor signal.
ATA8510-EK1 Demo Kit
(c) Atmel 2016 V2.0
ATA8515 V1.2
wait for RF signal ...
Button 1 menu:
shows parameters used in the RF telegram.
RF-Channel 433.92MHz
Data rate 8kBit/s
FSK dev/-8kHz
Manchester coding
Button 2 menu:
shows parameters used for the virtual COM port. These parameters have to be set in the PC terminal
application to receive the text strings.
COM port settings
baudrate 38.4kBaud
8 data + 1 stop bit
no parity, no handshake
Button 3 menu:
shows parameters used for the virtual COM port. These parameters have to be set in the PC
terminal application. To receive the text strings.
Receiver statistics:
valid# 3062
error# 15
total# 3099
Measurement results:
The measurement display shows the time interval dt between two consecutive RF telegram receptions
together with the RSSI value for the RF signal strength at the base station and at the Remote sensor. The
temperature at the sensor is shown with a resolution of 1°C.
| dt=2s rssi=221 |
| |
| T=22°C |
| RSSI=128 |
In case of an error the following error messages are displayed:
This message is shown when the received data telegram is corrupted or when the temperature sensor is
broken or not present.
Sensor error:
Invalid sensor data!
Atmel User Guide for the Evaluation Kit ATA8510-EK1 [APPLICATION NOTE]
Atmel-9343D-ATAN0046_Application Note-09/2016