Atmel AVR8015
4. On the File Menu, click New Design. In the Create New Design window, specify
the project ID, project name, kit canvas properties like Height and Width
(millimeters) and background (kit) image, and kit technology, along with a valid
number of sensors for the new project.
5. For this hands-on training, select QMatrix as the kit technology. Under sensors,
select the number of buttons as 0, wheel as 1, and slider as 0.
6. For the background image, select the image provided in the Task 3 folder named
7. Assign channel numbers 0-3 to the wheel.
Figure 4-25.
New design.
Note down the Project ID.
8. Click on each sensor and adjust the height and width accordingly in the kit/sensor
configuration window. Refer to
Figure 4-26.
Design mode.
9. Save the design in the same Task 3 folder.