Atmel AVR32806
4. Abbreviations
ISP: In-system programming
BOD: Brown-out detector
USB: Universal serial bus
DFU: Device firmware upgrade
avr32program: AVR 32-bit part programmer used with hardware debuggers
FLIP: Flexible in-system programmer
5. Boot loader environment
The boot loader manages the USB communication protocol and performs read/write operations
from/to the on-chip memories.
The boot loader is located at the beginning of the on-chip flash array, where an area of up to
64KB can be configured to be write protected by the internal flash controller. The boot loader
protected size must be at least the size of the boot loader. On Atmel AT32UC3xxxxx devices, it
is configured to 8KB.
Figure 5-1.
Physical environment.
BatchISP is a PC tool that allows a part to be programmed using the Atmel AVR UC3 USB DFU
boot loader. It is compatible with both Windows
and Linux
. It is integrated into Atmel AVR32
Studio by use of a plug-in.
Note that all GCC make files of the
Atmel AVR UC3 Software Framework
have programming
goals using BatchISP.