Product Warranty Policy
2.7. Exporting
This product has as a general rule been developed and manufactured with the assumption that it will be used within Japan.
When exporting this product, it is the responsibility of the exporter to follow all export related law and carry out all required
procedures. No guarantee is made in regards to whether or not this product conforms to any overseas laws or regulations.
This product and related technology may not be used for the purpose of development of weapons of mass destruction, for
the purpose of military use or other military related uses, or in devices which have had their production, use, sale or pro-
curement prohibited by national or overseas law or regulations.
2.8. Trademarks
• Armadillo is a registered trademark of Atmark Techno, Inc. All other company names, product names and related
trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ™ and ® marks are omitted.
• The SD, SDHC, microSD, microSDHC and SDIO logos are trademarks of SD-3C, LLC.
Armadillo-440 LCD Model Development Set Startup Guide