Using your stairlift
4. Swivel the seat
At the top of the stairs you can swivel the seat to the side to help you get
off the stairlift.
You can also swivel the seat to make it easier to get on the stairlift when
you want to go back down.
To swivel the chair using the
manual swivel seat
Lift the swivel levers on the side
of the seat and swivel the seat
to the side.
You can only do this in the direction
of the top of the stairs – this is a
safety feature.
To swivel the chair using the
automatic swivel seat
Push and hold the arm control in the
direction you want to swivel the seat
To swivel the chair using the two-way
automatic swivel seat
If you have a two-way automatic swivel,
you can swivel the seat at the top and
bottom of the stairs.
Please note that if you have selected a two-way
swivel seat, the stairlift will only swivel in the
downwards direction when it is at the bottom
of the stairs.
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