Atlas Filtri FDM-1P Instructions For Installation, Use And Maintenance Manual Download Page 9

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- Once the water flow has been interrupted, unscrew the closing cap with magnet-holder.
- Unscrew the magnet-holder from the cap and then remove the magnet from the magnet.
- Wash the magnet-holder with water, removing the impurities completely
- Check that the seal o-ring is intact; replace with a new one if needed.
- Remove the metal filtering mesh and washing it to remove any impurities collected on its surface.

Re-assemble the filter: 
- Insert the magnet into the magnet-holder.
- Insert the magnet-holder (with magnet inside) into the specific cap housing.
- Insert the metal filtering mesh into the specific cap housing.
- Screw the cap to the body and tighten using the specific key supplied.

Slowly open the supply valve to verify presence of leaks before putting into service.


it is recommended to carry out maintenance and cleaning at least twice a year. 

For the first installation, the first cleaning should be carried out after a month.

Accurate periodic maintenance, and regular programmed controls, guarantee preservation over
time and equipment efficiency.


Interrupt system operation before any maintenance operation.

Any operation on the equipment must only be carried out after reading the safety requirements
listed in this manual.


the end user is authorised to intervene on the equipment only to clean the filtering



particular conditions of use (type of water, operating pressure, etc.) can result in maintenance

being required more frequently and at closer intervals.



The Neodymium magnets used in the FDM equipment are contained inside a brass cylinder,
conveniently sealed to prevent the magnets themselves from coming out.
The magnetic cylinder assembly can, however, be a potential source of danger and the warnings
below must be respected.

WARNING: Electrical conductivity

Magnets are made of metal and conduct electricity.

WARNING: Pacemakers

Magnets can influence the regular functioning of pacemakers and implanted defribillators. If you
have either of these devices, keep a safety distance of at least 30 cm from the magnets. Warn
people who have these devices to stay away from the magnets.

WARNING: Magnetic field

Magnets generate an extended, powerful magnetic field. They can damage televisions and laptop
computers, credit or debit cards, digital storage devices, mechanical clocks, hearing aids, speakers
and other devices. Keep the magnets away from all devices and objects that could be damaged by
intense magnetic fields.

WARNING: Airplane transport

Magnetic fields generated by inappropriately packaged magnets can influence airplane navigation
devices. Only ship the magnets by air in packaging equipped with sufficient magnetic shielding.

WARNING: Postal shipping

Magnetic fields generated by inappropriately packaged magnets can interfere with automatic sorting
systems and damage goods in other packages. Use an ample sized box and arrange the magnets
in the middle of the package, surrounding them with packaging material. If necessary, use sheet
metal to shield the magnetic field.

WARNING: Effect on people

According to current knowledge, the magnetic fields of permanent magnets have no measurable
positive or negative effects on people. It is unlikely for the magnetic field of a permanent magnet
to constitute harm to health but this risk cannot be entirely excluded. For safety, avoid prolonged
contact with the magnets.

WARNING: Heat resistance

Neodymium magnets have a maximum operating temperature of 80°C. Most neodymium magnets
permanently lose a part of their force of attraction at a temperature over 80°C. Do not use the
magnets for applications other than the ones intended.


- Keep the sticker placed onto the package to identify the product.
- In EU countries, the applicable warranty terms are those indicated in Directive 85/374/EEC as amended and in

Directive 1999/44/EC as amended. For extra UE Countries, the product is granted by a limited warranty for 12
months from the date of purchase proven by a regular receipt. The liability of Atlas Filtri S.r.l. is limited solely to
the replacement of proven defective product, excluding shipping, installation labour or other repair costs. No
warranty is given on filtration or any other performance as it may vary with local water conditions.
For any controversy whatsoever, Atlas Filtri S.r.l. elects the Court of Padova as the competent Bar, with the
application of the Italian Regulations and Laws.

Summary of Contents for FDM-1P


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Page 3: ...forzato Corpo Poliammide PA66 rinforzato Tappo Poliammide PA66 rinforzato Cartuccia filtrante acciaio inox AISI 304 L Valvola sfera Ottone CW 617 N Raccordo girevole Ottone CW 617 N O rings EPDM Tappo scarico Ottone CW 614 N 1 2 Magnete NdFeB 4500 Gauss Contenitore magnete acciaio inox AISI 316 Portamagnete Polipropilene Grado di filtrazione 650 µm CONDIZIONI DI ESERCIZIO Fluidi compatibili Acqua ...

Page 4: ...ioni e conservarlo con cura in luogo asciutto e protetto custodirlo in prossimità dell apparecchio in modo da poterlo consultare all occorrenza Non lasciare il materiale utilizzato per l imballo alla portata dei bambini E consigliabile conservare l imballo per un futuro riutilizzo in caso contrario smaltire i materiali secondo le normative vigenti in materia Se l apparecchio risulta danneggiato o ...

Page 5: ...i dimensioni adeguate Una volta che il flusso di acqua si è interrotto svitare il tappo di chiusura con porta magnete Sfilare il porta magnete dal tappo quindi estrarre il magnete dal porta magnete Lavare il porta magnete con acqua per rimuovere completamente le impurità Controllare che l o ring di tenuta sia integro eventualmente sostituirlo con uno nuovo Rimuovere la rete metallica filtrante e l...

Page 6: ...una scatola di ampie dimensioni e sistemate i magneti al centro del pacco circondandoli con del materiale da imballaggio Se necessario utilizzate della lamiera per schermare il campo magnetico ATTENZIONE Effetto sulle persone Secondo le attuali conoscenze i campi magnetici dei magneti permanenti non hanno nessun effetto misurabile positivo o negativo sulle persone E improbabile che il campo magnet...

Page 7: ...ted by the magnet The effect is further amplified by varying cross sections the filter body has a greater diameter than the piping so the liquid slows inside the filter and the suspended particles can be more efficiently captured and trapped In this way all the magnetic ferrous residue and non magnetic algae mud sand etc contaminants in the system are trapped in the filter body INSTRUCTIONS AND US...

Page 8: ...xceeding 3 bar it is necessary to install a pressure reducer upstream Install a suitable anti water hammer system expansion tank shock absorbers etc downstream from the equipment Only use original spare parts and accessories ATTENTION in case of non appropriate use not conforming to instructions of use or equipment tampering the manufacturer is not responsible for any damage to persons animals or ...

Page 9: ...have these devices to stay away from the magnets WARNING Magnetic field Magnets generate an extended powerful magnetic field They can damage televisions and laptop computers credit or debit cards digital storage devices mechanical clocks hearing aids speakers and other devices Keep the magnets away from all devices and objects that could be damaged by intense magnetic fields WARNING Airplane trans...

Page 10: ...ieur aux conduites c est pourquoi le fluide ralentit à l intérieur du filtre et les particules suspendues peuvent être capturées et retenues avec une plus grande efficacité De cette façon tous les contaminants magnétiques résidus ferreux et non magnétiques algues boues sable etc présents dans l installation sont retenus dans le corps du filtre MODE D EMPLOI Utiliser cet appareil exclusivement pour...

Page 11: ...ant être effectuée par un personnel qualifié En cas de pression d exercice supérieure à 3 bar un réducteur de pression doit être installé en amont Installer un système anti coup de bélier vase d expansion amortisseurs etc en aval de l appareil Utiliser uniquement des accessoires et des pièces de rechange originales ATTENTION en cas d emploi non approprié non conforme aux instructions d utilisation...

Page 12: ...ispositifs de ne pas s approcher des aimants ATTENTION Champ magnétique Les aimants génèrent un champ magnétique étendu et puissant Ils peuvent endommager les téléviseurs et ordinateurs portables les cartes de crédit les supports informatiques les montres mécaniques les appareils auditifs les haut parleurs et d autres dispositifs Gardez les aimants loin de tous les appareils et objets pouvant être...

Page 13: ...en Partikel besser eingefangen und zurückgehalten werden können Auf diese Weise werden alle in der Anlage vorhandenen magnetischen eisenhaltige Rückstände und nicht magnetische Algen Schlamm Sand etc Verunreinigungen im Filterkörper zurückgehalten BEDIENUNGSHANDBUCH Ausschließlich zum Aufbereiten von Leitungswasser mit einer bekannten Qualität verwenden und nur für Wasser mit einem pH Wert zwische...

Page 14: ...inbauen Ausschließlich originales Zubehör und Originalersatzteile verwenden ACHTUNG Der Hersteller lehnt jegliche Haftung für eventuelle Personen Tier oder Sachschäden ab wenn das Gerät nicht sachgemäß oder nicht den Bedienungsanweisungen entsprechend verwendet oder verändert wird In folgenden Fällen lehnt der Hersteller die Haftung ab Unsachgemäße Verwendung des Gerätes Verwendung entgegen der sp...

Page 15: ...e Vorrichtungen beschädigen Die Magneten sind außerhalb der Reichweite aller Geräte und Gegenstände zu halten die durch starke Magnetfelder beschädigt werden könnten ACHTUNG Transport im Flugzeug Die von nicht sachgemäß verpackten Magneten erzeugten Magnetfelder können die Navigationsgeräte von Flugzeugen beeinträchtigen Die Magnete dürfen nur mit dem Flugzeug versandt werden wenn sie über eine Ve...

Page 16: ...tro del filtro y las partículas suspendidas pueden ser capturadas y retenidas con mayor eficacia De esta forma todos los contaminantes magnéticos residuos ferrosos y no magnéticos algas lodos arena etc presentes en la instalación quedan atrapados en el cuerpo del filtro MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES DE USO Utilícelo exclusivamente para tratar agua de red de calidad conocida de todos modos debe utilizars...

Page 17: ... instrucciones de uso o de alteración del aparato el fabricante no es responsable de los posibles daños a personas animales o cosas El fabricante se exime de toda responsabilidad en los casos específicos que se citan a continuación Uso impropio del aparato Uso contrario a las normativas nacionales específicas alimentaciones instalación y mantenimiento Instalación realizada por personal no autoriza...

Page 18: ... imanes generan un campo magnético extenso y potente Pueden estropear televisores y ordenadores portátiles tarjetas de crédito soportes informáticos relojes mecánicos aparatos acústicos altavoces y otros dispositivos Mantenga los imanes lejos de todos los aparatos y objetos que podrían sufrir daños debido a campos magnéticos intensos ATENCIÓN Transporte aéreo Los campos magnéticos generados por im...

Page 19: ...s tubagens portanto o fluido passa de forma mais lenta no interior do filtro e as partículas em suspensão podem ser capturadas e retidas com uma maior eficácia Desta forma todos os contaminantes magnéticos resíduos ferrosos e não magnéticos algas lamas areia etc presentes na instalação são retidas no corpo do filtro MANUAL DE INSTRUÇÕES PARA O USO Utilizar exclusivamente água com qualidade conheci...

Page 20: ... não em conformidade com as instruções de uso ou violação do aparelho fabricante não é responsável por danos a pessoas animais ou bens materiais O fabricante declina todas as responsabilidades nos casos abaixo indicados Uso impróprio Uso contrário às normativas nacionais específicas alimentação instalação e manutenção Instalação realizada por pessoal não autorizado Problemas na água de alimentação...

Page 21: ...alantes e outros dispositivos Manter os ímanes longe de todos os aparelhos e objetos que podem ser danificados pelos campos magnéticos intensos ATENÇÃO Transporte aéreo Os campos magnéticos gerados pelos ímanes não embalados adequadamente podem afetar os dispositivos de navegação dos aviões Expedir os ímanes somente por transporte aéreo dentro de uma embalagem dotada de uma suficiente blindagem ma...

Page 22: ...е чего жидкость замедляет свой ход внутри фильтра и взвешенные частицы удерживаются и захватываются более эффективно Таким образом в корпусе фильтра удерживаются все магнитные железосодержащие частицы и немагнитные водоросли шлам песок и т п загрязнения РУКОВОДСТВО ПО ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЮ Используйте только для обработки водопроводной воды известного качества и в любом случае используйте только для воды ...

Page 23: ...о оригинальные инструменты и запасные части ВНИМАНИЕ в случае неправильного использования которое не соответствует инструкциям по использованию или нарушения целостности оборудования производитель не несет ответственности за вред причиненный персоналу животным или имуществу Производитель не несет ответственность в следующих конкретных случаях Неправильное использование оборудования Использование к...

Page 24: ...левизоров портативных компьютеров кредитных и дебетовых карт электронных носителей информации механических часов слуховых аппаратов динамиков и других устройств Храните магниты вдали от всех приборов и предметов которым мощное магнитное поле может нанести вред ВНИМАНИЕ Отправка самолетом Магнитные поля генерируемые магнитами без подходящей упаковки могут повлиять на пилотажно навигационные приборы...

Page 25: ...încât viteza lichidului este redusă în interiorul filtrului și particulele suspendate pot fi capturate și reținute mai eficient În acest fel toți contaminanții magnetici reziduuri feroase și nemagnetici alge nămol nisip etc din sistem sunt reținuți în corpul filtrului MANUAL CU INSTRUCȚIUNI DE UTILIZARE A se utiliza exclusiv pentru tratarea rețelelor de apă cu calitate cunoscută și în orice caz a ...

Page 26: ... de lovitură de berbec rezervor de expansiune amortizoare etc în aval de echipament Utilizați numai piese de schimb și accesorii originale ATENȚIE în caz de utilizare necorespunzătoare care nu corespunde instrucțiunilor de utilizare sau în cazul modificării echipamentului producătorul nu este responsabil pentru daunele aduse persoanelor animalelor sau bunurilor Producătorul este scutit de orice ră...

Page 27: ... față de magneți AVERTISMENT Câmp magnetic Magneții generează un câmp magnetic extins și puternic Aceștia pot deteriora televizoare și laptopuri cărți de credit sau de debit dispozitive digitale de stocare ceasuri mecanice aparate auditive difuzoare și alte dispozitive Păstrați magneții departe de toate dispozitivele și obiectele care ar putea fi deteriorate de câmpurile magnetice puternice AVERTI...

Page 28: ...ρη διάμετρο από το σωλήνα ώστε το υγρό να ρέει αργά μέσα στο φίλτρο και τα αιωρούμενα σωματίδια να μπορούν να συλλαμβάνονται και να παγιδεύονται πιο αποτελεσματικά Με τον τρόπο αυτό όλοι οι μαγνητικοί σιδηρούχα κατάλοιπα και μη μαγνητικοί φύκια λάσπη άμμος κλπ ρύποι στο σύστημα παγιδεύονται στο σώμα του φίλτρου ΕΓΧΕΙΡΙΔΙΟ ΟΔΗΓΙΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΧΡΗΣΗΣ Χρησιμοποιήστε αποκλειστικά για την επεξεργασία του δικτύ...

Page 29: ...α σφύρας αντι νερού δοχείο διαστολής αμορτισέρ κλπ κατάντη από τον εξοπλισμό Χρησιμοποιείτε μόνο γνήσια ανταλλακτικά και αξεσουάρ ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ σε περίπτωση ακατάλληλης χρήσης μη σύμφωνης με τις οδηγίες χρήσης ή παραβίασης του εξοπλισμού ο κατασκευαστής δεν φέρει καμία ευθύνη για βλάβες σε άτομα ζώα ή ιδιοκτησία Ο κατασκευαστής απαλλάσσεται από κάθε ευθύνη στις συγκεκριμένες περιπτώσεις που αναφέρονται ...

Page 30: ...ο ισχυρό μαγνητικό πεδίο Μπορούν να καταστρέψουν τηλεοράσεις και φορητούς υπολογιστές πιστωτικές και χρεωστικές κάρτες ψηφιακές συσκευές αποθήκευσης μηχανικά ρολόγια ακουστικά βαρηκοΐας ηχεία και άλλες συσκευές Κρατήστε τους μαγνήτες μακριά από όλες τις συσκευές και τα αντικείμενα που μπορεί να υποστούν ζημιά από τα έντονα μαγνητικά πεδία ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ Μεταφορά με αεροπλάνο Τα μαγνητικά πεδία που ...

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Page 32: ...055 Fax 39 049 769994 www atlasfiltri com AB9210111 R02 07 19 Subject to change without notice Corpo Body Corps Körper Cuerpo Corpo Корпус Corp Σώμαa G 1 2 G 3 4 Rete filtrante Filter net Grille filtrante Filternetz Red filtrante Tela filtrante Фильтрующая сетка Sită filtru Πλέγμα φίλτρου Magnete Magnet Aimant Magnet Imán Magneto Магнит Magnet Μαγνήτης Coperchio con o ring Cover with o ring Couver...
