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Thank you for choosing Atlantic’s Eco-Rise wSystem, the fastest and easiest way to create 
and plumb any large decorative fountain feature. 

The Eco-Rise System is comprised of four elements: ECOBLOX-SMALL structural water 
matrix blocks; PV7500 Pump Vault for the pump and accessories; ECORISE12 and 
ECORISE20 weight distributing risers that lift and supports heavy items to facilitate 
plumbing them and the Eco-Rise Diverter which adjusts the flow to three decorative pieces. 
Combined with a pump and liner, these elements create a weight-bearing reservoir that 
can deliver water to as many as six individual decorative elements, each weighing up to 
3000 lbs. 

Reservoir Design And Siting 

The size of the reservoir depends on the size, height and number of the decorative fountain 
elements. For a general rule of thumb, the basin should extend out at least twice the height 
of the decorative elements in all directions. A three-foot-tall by one-foot-wide column 
would require a seven-foot splash zone. The Eco-Blox reservoir only needs to be large 
enough to support the decorative items. The liner can then be oversized to create a ‘splash 
skirt’ around the basin to recapture as much water as possible with minimum additional 

Once you have determined the size and shape of the reservoir, lay out the Eco-Blox and 
Pump Vault. The Vault should be placed at the perimeter of the excavation where the lid 
can be accessed easily, typically closest to the electric service. Make sure the pump cord 
will reach. 

Excavation & Installation Of Reservoir

After determining the size and shape of the reservoir, excavate at least a foot wider and 
longer than required to leave room for backfilling. Excavate the entire area of the basin to a 
depth of 13". This will accommodate one layer of Eco-Blox Small plus the gravel to hide the 
reservoir. Dig the area where the PV7500 Pump Vault will sit 71/2" deeper to accommodate 
it. The additional depth will help ensure the pump remains completely submersed. Level 
and tamp the bottom, then cover the bottom and sides with underlayment to protect the 
liner, carefully working it into the corners and the deeper Vault area. Set the liner over the 
underlayment, leaving the edges above the finished grade all around. An additional layer of 
underlayment may be added for greater security. 

Set the Pump Vault in the deep pocket, then install the Eco-Blox. The top of the field of 
blocks should be level. Pull the liner up snugly without lifting the blocks and fold it over 
the top of the Eco-Blox, then do the same with the underlayment. Backfill evenly all the 
way around the blocks in 6" lifts, tamping the soil in as you go, being careful not to push 
the Eco-Blox out of place, until the fill reaches the top of the blocks. Grade outside of the 
reservoir to create a bowl that will return splash to the reservoir. Creating a slight berm at 
the outer edge of the bowl will keep runoff from entering the basin.

