Manual, Robotic Tool Changer, QC‑24Z1
Document #9610‑20‑3727‑03
Pinnacle Park • 1041 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel: 919.772.0115 • Fax: 919.772.8259 •
6. Check each ball bearing to make sure it moves freely in the male coupling. Additional cleaning may be
necessary to free up any ball bearings that are sticking in place.
Figure 5.3—Check Ball Bearing Movement
Apply a liberal coating of the lubricant to the ball bearings, the male coupling (inside and out), and the
alignment pins.
Figure 5.4—Apply Lubricant to Locking Mechanism
Apply lubricant on inner
surface of male coupling.
Apply lubricant on the following:
Alignment Pins
Ball Bearings
Male Coupling (Outer Surface)
8. Use a clean rag to thoroughly remove any lubricant and debris from the Tool plate bearing
race and bushings.
No application of the lubrication is necessary on the Tool plate components.
9. Safely resume normal operation.
Figure 5.5—Clean Tool Plate Surfaces of Locking Mechanism
Clean Bearing
Race and
Bushing Surfaces