Q46H/79PR Chlorine Manual
7 – Calibration
O&M Manual
Rev-E (5/17)
7.31 Two-Point pH Cal
Thoroughly clean the pH sensor and place it into the first pH calibration buffer, stirring is
several times before letting it rest in the beaker. Allow sensor to sit in solution long enough to
achieve temperature equilibrium with the pH buffer (maybe 5 minutes.) It is important that
both pH buffers be fresh and at room temperature.
Scroll to the CAL menu section using the MENU key and press ENTER or the UP arrow key.
Press the UP arrow key until
Cal pH Type
is displayed.
Press the ENTER key. The display will begin to flash. Using the UP arrow key, adjust the
displayed number to a
pt calibration type. This will allow the user to slope adjust the
sensor input for two separate pH point. Once value has been adjusted, press the ENTER key
and the message
will be displayed.
Scroll to the next menu item by pressing the UP arrow key once. The menu item
Cal pH
will be displayed.
Press the ENTER key. The display will begin to flash. Using the UP and LEFT arrow keys,
adjust the displayed number to the known value of the pH buffer. The exact temperature
compensated number for pH buffers is typically written on the side of the buffers shipping
container. Once value has been adjusted, press the ENTER key.
The message
will be displayed, or an error describing the cause the failure. If the
cal point was accepted, rinse the sensor in distilled or de-ionized water and move it into the
second pH buffer. Stir it slightly several times and let the sensor rest in the beaker.
Scroll to the next menu item by pressing the UP arrow key once. The menu item
Cal pH
will be displayed.
Press the ENTER key. The display will begin to flash. Using the UP and LEFT arrow keys,
adjust the displayed number to the known value of the second (higher or lower value) pH
buffer. Once value has been adjusted, press the ENTER key.
The message
will be displayed, or an error describing the cause the failure. The
system is now two-point calibrated for pH.
7.32 One-Point pH Cal
For this calibration method, the sensor may be removed, cleaned, and placed into a known
pH buffer, or, it may be calibrated on-line against a known reference value. If the sensor is
removed, thoroughly clean the pH sensor and place it into the pH calibration buffer, stirring is
several times before letting it rest in the beaker. Allow sensor to sit in solution long enough to
achieve temperature equilibrium with the pH buffer (maybe 5 minutes.) It is important that the
pH buffer be fresh and at room temperature.
Scroll to the CAL menu section using the MENU key and press ENTER or the UP arrow key.
Press the UP arrow key until
Cal pH Type
is displayed.