ATI Audio Inc.
Tel: 856-626-3480
Fax: 856-504-0220
The fanning strips are Kulka part number 649A22 and extras are available from
our parts and accessories department. For convenience, the fanning strips may
be easily cut into shorter input or output sections.
To allow maximum flexibility in grounding in high RF environments, the circuit
grounds are isolated from case ground. For normal operations, add a ground
jumper from the barrier strip ground terminal closest to the inputs to the chassis
ground screw.
Balanced differential outputs have active drivers for both HI and LO
output terminals. DO NOT GROUND either HI or LO terminals. Two separate
600 ohm unbalanced loads can be driven from each output without interaction by
connecting one between HI and GND and the other between LO and GND. The
two loads thus driven will be out of phase with each other.
Maintenance Notes
IC power supply voltages are + and
–16 VDC nominal. If zeners are replaced,
remove ICs and check output voltage before plugging ICs back into the circuit.
Remove power when inserting or removing or ICs.
IC output DC voltages under no-signal conditions should measure 0VDC
5VDC. Significant deviation indicates IC or circuit problems. Measurable DC
difference b amplifier inputs (other than due to meter loading) indicates
IC failure.
230 VAC Operations
Your DA is wired for 115 VAC 50/60 Hz operation unless otherwise requested at
the time of ordering. It can be modified for 230 VAC use by removing the power
transformer primary jumpers J1 and J3 and inserting a jumper in the J2 holes.
To increase gain by 10db, change R25 and R26 to 680 ohms and increase C23
and C24 to 68 microfarads.