® Copyright ATH-Heinl GmbH & Co. KG, All rights reserved / Misprints and technical changes reserved / As of: 2021-09
Manufacturer ATH-Heinl GmbH & CO.KG
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Delivery Contents
Package with scissors, ramps and drive-over plates:
Dimensions (L x W x H): 1700 x 800 x 450 mm
Weight: 960 Kg
Package with control box, hydraulic and pneumatic hoses:
Dimensions (L x W x H): 400 x 540 x 1,140 mm
Weight: 130 Kg
If something is missing, please contact our sales department.
Transportation and storage:
- Lift with care, using suitable means of support for the load, in perfect working order and using the special
hooking point.
- Avoid sudden jolts and tugs, watch out for uneven surfaces, bumps etc.
- After removing the packing, check that they are taken to special waste collecting areas inaccessible to
children and animal as long as they are not disposed.
- Warehouse temperature: -25°C
+55 °C