(5) Charger Subnet mask. The default value is It is not suggested to
change. If the subnet mask has been reset to other value and you have forgotten the new
value, you can restore the charger to factory setting by long press the reset button.
(6) MAC address. This is the MAC address used for LAN cable connection. If the charger
is connected to ATESS back-office server via LAN cable and the router has MAC access
control, then you can put this MAC in the router to allow the charger to access server
(7) Server URL is to set the domain name or IP address of the back office server to be
The domain name of ATESS server is “ws://ess-charge.atesspower.com:80/ocpp/ws”;
IP address is “ws://”.
Authentication Key and Heartbeat Interval is used for testing and no need to reset.
(9) PIN of the charger, used to verify the PIN of user card. To use a RFID card with the
charger, their PIN must be consistent. If the user card has a different PIN, then it cannot
be used on this charger. The default PIN setting of the charger is 242007.
(8) Charging fee per unit of electricity.
(10) Peak time period. Set the time period of peak tariff.
(11) Off-peak time period. Set the time period of off-peak tariff.
(12) Time of the charger. Set according to the local time. After the charger is connected to
back-office server, the time will be synchronized with the server’s time. If the charger has
no server connection, then you’ll have to reset the time every time you turn off and back
on the charger.
(13) Language of LCD screen.
(14) Charger DNS setting, this only needs setting when the charger is to connect to server
via LAN cable.