(3) Charger IP. The default IP is It is not suggested to change the default IP.
If you have changed the default IP and forgot the new IP, you can reset the charger to
factory setting by long press the reset button(the reset button on control board, not the red
emergency stop button) until the charger reboot. Then you can use the default for access.
(1) Firmware version of the Charger. This item cannot be modified here on the setting
Enlarged view of parameter setting page_1
Enlarged view of parameter setting page_2
Explanation of parameters:
(2) Charger ID, this is the unique identification of the Charger. If the charger is to be
connected to ATESS back-office server, this ID must be set as the serial number on the
nameplate of the Charger. Otherwise the Charger cannot be registered on the server.
Please note: After restoring the charger to factory setting, you’ll need to reset the charger
ID(same as serial number, can be found on the nameplate sticker) and server url,
otherwise the charger won’t be connected to the back-office server.
(4) Charger gateway. The default value is It is not suggested to change. If
the gateway has been reset to other value and you have forgotten the new value, you can
restore the charger to factory setting by long press the reset button.