bottom row flashes. Set to wanted value with up-down button. Digit moves to the left while pressed to prg
button. Then pressed to prg button again, this digit flashes. Digit position is set with up-down button. You
press again prg button, the digit is continuously flashing. Therefore the constant value is entered in. If you
want to exit without saving, you can back to operating mode with rst button.
Resolution of the value shown on the display is set here. This change is done by changing position of the
point on the screen. In order to changed position of the point, pressed to prg button at operating mode
and found point menu with up-down button. The point is flashing when pressed to prg button; you can set
position of the point with up-down button. Then you can save them with prg button. Return to operating
mode with rst button.
The input frequency can be filtered to prevent undesired interference.
Above frequencies of the value
selected in the in_freg menu are not detected by the counter.
In operation mode, press prg button to select input frequency. The in_freg menu is located with the up and
down keys. When the prg button is pressed, the selection in the bottom row flashes. The desired selection
is set with the up-down button and saved with the prg button. Return to operating mode with Rst button.
4.4. Selection Of Point Position
4.5. Selection Of Sample Time
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