IPPBX IP4G User Manual
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7.11 IAX Settings
UDP Port
Port use for IAX2 registrations, Default is 4569.
Low/medium/high with this option you can control which codec to be used.
Min Registration Time
Minimum duration (in seconds) of a IAX2 registration. Default is 60 seconds.
Max Registration Tim
Maximum duration (in seconds) of a IAX2 registration. Default is 1200 seconds.
8. Audios
8.1 Music On Hold
Manage audio files for Music On Hold, the format should be .WAV (16 bit, mono 8000 Hz) and .GSM, the size
should less than 4 MB.
8.2 Custom Prompts
Manage prompts used for Voice Menu. It can be recorded by extensions or uploaded from local PC, the format
should be .WAV (16 bit, mono 8000 Hz) and .GSM, the size should less than 4 MB
8.3 Language Setting