Resolving Home Connectivity Issues with Qwest Q1000 Actiontec Modem Router
If you are a customer of Qwest and use their Actiontec Q1000 High Speed Fiber Optic DSL modem router for your Internet
connection, you may need to change some additional settings and/or purchase additional equipment to ensure proper operation
of the AT&T 3G MicroCell™ .
If you are unsure of the modem/router type, contact Qwest’s internet services department for assistance. It is
also recommended that the Q1000 is running the most current firmware. If you do not know how to check or
how to upgrade the firmware, please contact Qwest Technical Support for assistance.
If you are experiencing issues with your Qwest modem router that is connected to your 3G MicroCell, you may need to:
Connect a separate router to the Qwest modem router and set up the 3G MicroCell in Option “A” mode as described in
the Getting Started Guide, or
Work with Qwest to update the firmware and make the changes to your existing Qwest modem router
The steps below are only for customers without a router connected between the Qwest modem/router and the 3G MicroCell and
are the only process provided in this document. For the upgrade option, you will need to contact Qwest technical support for
assistance in downloading of the firmware, installing the firmware, resetting to factory defaults, and reconfiguring the modem
router. Once completed and an Internet connection is re-established, you can proceed to connect the 3G MicroCell using the
standard Option A connection method.