Troll DW Canopy User Manual
Page 23 Atair Canopies
Section 9: Inspecting and Maintaining your Equipment
Your equipment will last longer, look better and function correctly if it is inspected on a
regular basis and maintained accordingly. Generally, your gear should need very little
maintenance unless it is subjected to unusual conditions. Let’s face it though, in BASE
jumping, we can be a little rough on our equipment, so it is a good idea to go over it
thoroughly after every jump. This will detect the obvious but it is important to perform
an intensive planned inspection from time to time. You can gauge this by how often
you jump and the types of jumps that you do, the performance of the equipment,
openings, landings, etc. You should perform this type of inspection at least every 10
jumps. Remember BASE jumping is a lot more demanding on our equipment than
skydiving is.
There are several things that can damage a parachute system. You must avoid
exposure to acids, chemicals, excessive heat, sharp objects, water, prolonged sunlight
or anything that may damage the structural integrity of the system. Also remember
that this is a single parachute system, so it should be inspected to the airworthiness of a
reserve system, not a main.
Canopy Check List:
Lines (4 riser groups)
2 Sets of Control Lines (Cat’s eyes)
Line Attachment Tabs
1-7 Cells – Bottom
1-7 Cells – Inside and cross-ports
1-7 Cells – Top surface
Bridle Attachment Point (top, bottom and internal)
Slider Stitching
Slider Fabric and Tapes
Slider Grommets
Tail Pocket Tabs and Velcro
Lower control lines do wear out due to slider wear. Brake settings wear out as well and
wear out quicker with no slider deployments. Inspect them on a regular basis and
replace them when they show signs of wear. Be sure to keep the slider grommets free
from burs and sharp or rough edges. This can cause damage to the lines.