AT-OS S.r.l.
Viale del Lavoro, 19 37030 Colognola ai Colli (Verona) Italy
Tel. ++39 045 6159411- Fax ++39 045 6159422 -
: [email protected] – www.at-os.com
These inspection procedures check that the machine functions correctly. They must be performed when machine installation
procedures are terminated.
Open the water supply to the machine. NOTE: water MUST NOT start flowing into the storage tank. If it does this means
that one or both of the water fill solenoid valves (those located in the machine's upper compartment) is dirty or jammed
because of prolonged warehouse storage. The solenoid valve must be cleaned (as explained in the technical manual).
Check that there are no water leaks in pipe fittings.
Insert the aspiration nozzles (located in the lower part of the machine) into the corresponding liquid drums (detergent, anti-
scale and/or others).
Give electrical power to the machine. The messages A, B1, B2 and C on page 44 will appear in sequence: “AT-OS,
please wait”, “Set-Up, please wait” then “MP0575AA rev. x.x MP0572AA rev. x.x” and “Program Selection” message
remains displayed (and that there are no other warning or alarm messages). This means that the machine is ready for use.
Check as follows that water hoses have been correctly connected: select the "Reduced" program (program 1) and close
the hot water supply cock when it starts to fill with water (if this cock is not present then unscrew the hot water filter placed
at the end of the red hose inside the machine). The noise of water must stop.
NOTE: remember to put the supply cock back in its initial position or to retighten the hot water filter.
Check the level probes for the liquid aspiration nozzles (detergent, anti-scale product and/or others). To do this remove
the nozzles from the drum one by one and check that the corresponding alarm flashes on the display, indicating the need
to refill the drum with liquid. The machine stops and will not proceed with wash cycles after 40 washes have been
performed with this alarm present.
NOTE: this check must be done at the start of the first cycle performed by the machine: afterwards it is difficult to perform
this check
Check that the steam generator refill solenoid valve functions properly. Press the basin rinse cycle key (program 4) and
simultaneously bring an iron object near to the metal part of solenoid valve coil to check for magnetic attraction (the
solenoid valve in question is the one on the right, marked with the code EV1).
Use the same procedure as described above to check that the wash solenoid valves function correctly. Press the basin
rinse cycle key (program 4) and simultaneously bring an iron object near to the metal part of solenoid valve coil to check
for magnetic attraction. Perform this check on all the wash solenoid valves that are present (but not on the steam generator
refill valve).
Perform 3-4 test washes and then clean the water filters located in the machine's lower compartment.
Check that the drain trap does not leak and that it is solidly fastened both to the machine and to the drain.
Check that the peristaltic pumps aspirate the wash liquids. To do this check that the liquid rises along the tube connected
to the pumps. If the liquid does not rise (this may happen because prolonged storage has caused the tube to be deformed)
then the cartridge must be detached from the pump and opened (pushing on its hooks) to remove the tube inside the
cartridge. Then massage the tube between your fingers until it regains its normal shape and reinstall the entire unit.
WARNING: it is important to perform this instruction so to break in the whole mechanism of automatic door
opening and closing
. In case of a machine with automatic door, open the door and slightly grease the three sides of the
basin seal (which may be dried due to a long warehouse storage) and the related door sides on which the seal will lean
when the door is shut. Open and close the door a dozen times, helping the travel by applying a slight force with both hands
at the two angles of the door. In the closing phase, apply a slightly greater force on the right side of the door, for a proper
operation of the whole automatic door mechanism.