GEQ – Graphic Equalizer –
is in essence the same
as an equalizer, but this title is reserved for equalizers
with more ‘bands’ than the typical EQ. While a typical
channel EQ may only allow for 3 or 4 frequencies to be
adjusted, a graphic equalizer may allow for 31 different
GUI – Graphical User Interface –
this is the remote PC
software used for the DMP801�
HPF – High Pass Filter –
a high pass filter will cut or
significantly reduce all audio signals below a particular
user-defined frequency, allowing – as the name suggests
– high frequency sounds to pass through�
High Shelf Filter –
the high shelf filter will reduce or
increase all audio signals below a particular frequency�
The level at which the signal is boosted/attenuated is
determined by the user�
Limiter –
work just as compressors do; however with
an input to output signal ratio permanently set to infinity-
LPF – Low Pass Filter –
a low pass filter will cut all
audio signals above a particular user-defined frequency,
allowing low frequency sounds to pass through� This is
significantly useful when using subwoofer speakers on
particular outputs�
Low Shelf Filter –
the low shelf reduces or increases
the level of audio signals below a particular frequency
selected by the user� The level at which the signal is
altered is also set by the user�
Network –
a network is a series or group of computers
that are interconnected so as to share information� In
the case of the DMP801, the network allows for remote
operation of the device using our Windows-based
Noise Gate
– a noise gate is a dynamic process that
turns off or significantly attenuates the audio signal
passing through it when the signal level falls below a
user adjustable threshold�
Unbalanced Connections
– unlike balanced
connections, unbalanced connections only have 2
conductors: one for the signal and one for the grounding�
This, unfortunately, makes them more susceptible to
noise and interference�
1. Mounting Holes
These holes are for mounting the DMP801 on a standard
19” rack�
2. Power Switch
Flick this switch to switch the unit on and off� Be aware
that the power switch can be disabled through the
Asystems DMP801 software�
3. Power LED
This LED indicator will illuminate when the DMP801 is
activated – whether by switch or through the remote
4. Disable LED
This LED will light up when the power switch is disabled�
When this occurs, the DMP801 cannot be turned on or
off via the front panel switch� This function is disabled
within the Asystems PC software�
5. Mix Output LED
The Mix Output LED will light up green when an
output signal is present. It will also flash red when the
output channel clips� In this event, you can reduce any
excessive input signals, or turn down your master output
mix level through the control software�
6. Signal/Clip LED
This LED indicator is found on every input channel�
When a signal is present in the input channel, the LED
will light up green� When it clips, it will light up red� In the
event that the LED is red, we suggest reducing the input
signal level. Occasional flashes may be acceptable if it
doesn’t affect your program material�
7. Gain Controls
These rotary controls will allow users to adjust the final
input level for channels 1 through 8�