ASUS V2/V3-M3A3200
Primary Video Controller [GFX0-GPP-IGFX-PCI]
Allows you to set primary video controller.
Configuration options: [GFX0-GPP-IGFX-PCI] [GPP-GFX0-IGFX-PCI]
UMA Frame Buffer Size [Auto]
Configuration options: [Auto] [32MB] [64MB] [128MB] [256MB]
Surround View [Auto]
Allows INTGFX to be secondary display, if PCIE is primary display. When you
select Auto, it enabled SVIEW by default for RV610/RV620.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enable] [Auto]
AMD 780 HD Audio [Enable]
Allows you to enable HDMI Audio. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enable]
DisplayPort Config [Disabled]
Allows you to configure display port. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enable]
DRAM Timing Configuration
Internal Graphics
Primary Video Controller [GFX0-GPP-IGFX-PCI]
UMA Frame Buffer Size [Auto]
Surround View
AMD 780 HD Audio
DisplayPort Config
L2 Cache BG Scrub [Disabled]
Disables or sets the L2 Cache BG Scrub. This item allows the L2 data
cache RAM to be corrected while idle. Configuration options: [Disabled]
[40ns] [80ns] [160na] [320ns] [640ns] [1.28us] [2.56us] [5.12us] [10.2us]
[20.5us] [41.0us] [81.9us] [163.8us] [327.7us] [655.4us]
L3 Cache BG Scrub [Disabled]
Disables or sets the L2 Cache BG Scrub. This item allows the L3 data
cache RAM to be corrected while idle. Configuration options: [Disabled]
[40ns] [80ns] [160na] [320ns] [640ns] [1.28us] [2.56us] [5.12us] [10.2us]
[20.5us] [41.0us] [81.9us] [163.8us] [327.7us] [655.4us]