A S U S P u n d i t P 2 - A E 2
A S U S P u n d i t P 2 - A E 2
A S U S P u n d i t P 2 - A E 2
A S U S P u n d i t P 2 - A E 2
A S U S P u n d i t P 2 - A E 2
5 - 1 1
5 - 1 1
5 - 1 1
5 - 1 1
5 - 1 1
Main menu
When you enter the BIOS Setup program, the M a i n
M a i n
M a i n
M a i n
M a i n menu screen appears,
giving you an overview of the basic system information.
System Time [xx:xx:xx]
System Time [xx:xx:xx]
System Time [xx:xx:xx]
System Time [xx:xx:xx]
System Time [xx:xx:xx]
Allows you to set the system time.
System Date [Day xx/xx/xxxx]
System Date [Day xx/xx/xxxx]
System Date [Day xx/xx/xxxx]
System Date [Day xx/xx/xxxx]
System Date [Day xx/xx/xxxx]
Allows you to set the system date.
Primary IDE Master/Slave
Primary IDE Master/Slave
Primary IDE Master/Slave
Primary IDE Master/Slave
Primary IDE Master/Slave
The BIOS automatically detects the connected IDE devices. There is a
separate sub-menu for each IDE device. Select a device item, then press
<Enter> to display the IDE device information.
Refer to section “5.2.1 BIOS menu screen” for information on the menu
screen items and how to navigate through them.
Use [ENTER], [TAB]
or [SHIFT-TAB] to
select a field.
Use [+] or [-] to
configure system time.
Select Screen
Select Item
+- Change Field
Tab Select Field
F1 General Help
F10 Save and Exit
ESC Exit
System Time
System Date
[Thu 05/07/2004]
Primary IDE Master
Primary IDE Slave
[ASUS CD-S520/A]
System Information
Select the type
of device connected
to the system.
Select Screen
Select Item
+- Change Option
F1 General Help
F10 Save and Exit
ESC Exit
Primary IDE Master
Device : Hard Disk
Vendor : ST320413A
Size : 20.0GB
LBA Mode : Supported
Block Mode : 16 Sectors
PIO Mode : 4
Async DMA : MultiWord DMA-2
Ultra DMA : Ultra DMA-5
SMART Monitoring: Supported
LBA/Large Mode
Block(Multi-sector Transfer) [Auto]
PIO Mode
DMA Mode
SMART Monitoring
32Bit Data Transfer
[Maximum Performance]