Chapter 2: RAID configuration
Global Properties
From the Adapter List screen, press <Alt+N> to enter Global Properties menu. From the
menu you may change related settings.
Pause When Boot Alert Displayed
Sets whether to pause or not when the boot alert displays.
Configuration options: [Yes] [No]
Esc = Exit Menu F1/Shift+1 = Help
Alt+N = Adapter List -/+ = Change Item
LSI Corp Config Utility v7.05.01.00 (2010.02.09)
Adapter List
Global Properties
Pause When Boot Alert Displayed
Boot Information Display Mode
[Display minimal information]
Support Interrupt
[Hook interrupt, the Default]
Restore Defaults
Esc = Exit Menu F1/Shift+1 = Help
Alt+N = Global Properties -/+ = Alter Boot Order Ins/Del = Alter Boot List
LSI Corp Config Utility v7.05.01.00 (2010.02.09)
Adapter List
Global Properties
Adapter PCI PCI PCI PCI FW Revision Status Boot
BUS Dev Fnc Slot Order
PIKE 2308
04 00 00 07 Enabled