ASUS PCI-SC896 User’s Manual
1. Introduction
1. Introduction
This is the primary reference and User’s Manual for the ASUS PCI-SC896
Dual Channel PCI to Ultra2 SCSI Host Adapter. It contains a complete func-
tional description for the PCI-SC896 and includes complete physical and elec-
trical specifications for the PCI-SC896.
This document has the following chapters and appendixes:
Chapter 1, Using the PCI-SC896 Host Adapter, defines the interfaces
and characteristics of the SYM22910 Dual Channel PCI to Ultra2 SCSI
Host Adapter Board.
Chapter 2, Installing the PCI-SC896 Host Adapter, provides both quick
and detailed installation instructions.
Chapter 3, Configuring the PCI-SC896 Host Adapter, describes the SCSI
BIOS Configuration Utility to configure adapter and device settings.
Appendix, Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations, provides definitions
of various terminology that is referenced throughout this user’s guide.