ASUS KN97-X User’s Manual
(KN97 Series)
Fan Status Monitoring and Alarm - To prevent system overheat and system
damage, the CPU fan and system fans are monitored for RPM and failure. Each
fan can be set for its normal RPM range and alarm thresholds.
Temperature Monitoring and Alert - To prevent system overheat and system
damage, there is a heat sensor on the motherboard itself to monitor the system
temperature to make sure the system is operating at a safe heat level to avoid any
failures triggered by extremely high temperature.
Voltage Monitoring and Alert - System voltage levels are monitored to ensure
stable current to critical motherboard components. Voltage specifications are
more critical for future processors, so monitoring is necessary to ensure proper
system configuration and management.
System Resources Alert - Today’s operating systems, such as Windows 95,
Windows NT, and OS/2, require much more memory and hard drive space to
present enormous user interfaces and run large applications. The system re-
source monitor will warn the user before the system resources are used up to
prevent possible application crashes. Suggestions will give the user informa-
tion on managing their limited resources more efficiently.
Virus Write Protection - Normally, viruses can destroy data on storage media
such as hard disk drives, floppy diskettes, and MOs. Some new-generation vi-
ruses will not only destroy data on storage media, but also clear BIOS data
which is usually unprotected. ASUS KN97 series of motherboards were de-
signed to cooperate with BIOS, chipset, and flash EPROM to disable write per-
mission when the system’s initialization stage is completed upon boot-up.