ASUS KN97-X User’s Manual
2. Mount the Heat Sink: Place the SEC cartridge face down on a flat surface and
lay the heat sink flush on the back (metal side) of the SEC cartridge. Check the
orientation of the heatsink with the pictures. The thicker fin should be on the
bottom of the SEC cartridge. The top clamp is larger than the bottom clamp so
only this orientation will fit. With a screw driver, push the clamps one at a time
into the SEC cartridge. Make sure that the heatsink is tight against the heatsink by
firmly pressing the SEC cartridge and the heatsink together. When correctly in-
stalled, there should not be any light showing between the thermal pad of the
heat sink and the SEC cartridge. WARNING: If the heatsink is not mounted
tightly against the SEC cartridge, the CPU will overheat.
SEC Cartridge with Heatsink (Side) SEC Cartridge with Heatsink (Top)
Push each end of the Clamps until they lock
The Thermal Pad & SEC cartridge should not have a gap!
Push Clamp
Push Clamp
3. Insert the SEC Cartridge: Push the SEC cartridge’s two locks inward (the
preceding picture shows the Locks in the outward position and inward in the
picture below) and insert the cartridge with the heat sink facing the motherboard’s
memory slots. Push down slowly while holding the Retention Mechanism’s
sides inward so that the SEC cartridge does not push away the two walls of the
Retention Mechanism.
Pentium II processor with heatsink being mounted into the
Retention Mechanism.
Push Lock