5.2 Start-up
1. Become familiar with Section 5.1: Controls and Indicators.
2. Install melt unit as specified in Section 4.
3. Fill tank with hot melt material to 38 mm (1.5 in.) from top.
4. Turn unit on and allow 30 minutes warmup time.
5. Align the motor, if necessary. Motor alignment is necessary on
receipt of a new unit or after transportation; when replacing
the motor, pump-shaft, bearing block, or pump; or when the
motor is noisy.
Loosen the screws holding the motor.
b. Warm up melt unit and run the motor. This causes the
motor to center itself.
With motor running, tighten screws in a crisscross pattern.
6. Set hose and tank temperature to desired settings. Lower
settings will increase the material pot life.
7. Set the tank temperature as low as possible for each
application. Certain materials degrade over time due to
8. To prevent stalling the motor, adjust flow control valve to
minimum flow requirement.
LS10 and LS20 19600-121
Copyright 2010 Astro Packaging