nc. U.S.A.
Trademark of ASTI
pH / ORP / ISE / DO / Conductivity Measurement Products Lines
Downloading & Viewing Logged Data from
Controller – Part 2 of 2
An example of the window return the successful
combining of multiple days of process value datalog
files into a single excel file is shown to the right as an
example for a multi-file batch conversion operation.
The folder directory for the USB flash drive in the
controller is shown to the right. For each sensor channel
that has been properly configured there will exist a
channel directory to store the process values. A new
DTL file with the date is created inside of the folder. For
each sensor channel that has ever had a calibration
performed there will exist a calibration directory for that
channel. For each sensor channel that has ever had the
sensor diagnostic information viewed there will exist a
“Registers” directory. You will need to nagivate to each
folder separate and create either the individual or
combined excel worksheet files for further workup and
analysis. Since you will need to place this USB flash
drive back into the controller for further datalogging it is
recommended to copy such file to your local Windows
machine as well as onto the USB flash drive.
On the following pages you will find examples of the exported Excel worksheets for the process values, sensor
calibrations and analytic information for channel 1 for visualization purposes. The process values are exported
in floating point engineered values as they have been converted on the controller from the raw unsigned
integer values sent from the sensors. The sensor analytic and calibration information is exported in the raw
unsigned integer values exactly as they are sent from the sensors. In order to convert them as may be required
into a more intuitive engineered value you will need to use the RS-485 MODBUS RTU sensor implementation
guide as the basis for making any such conversions.