Product ID: LSC 001T1K1CPDP
The 001Touch™ combines a stylish digital touch screen
keypad with the security of the Lockwood 001 Deadlatch.
simple convenience of using a pin code means your
customers never have to carry keys again!
Touch keypad
Integrated battery & box cover
New 001 Latch to suit timber doors
2 RFID Cards on Mifare
4 x AA batteries
Complete instruction booklet
RFID Fobs available as an optional extra
Touch screen keypad
Finger Pin or RFID card/tag
4 - 12 digit code
Add and delete individual users
Choice of Ezy Mode and Advanced mode - Program 1 to 40 users
Automatic locking after 5 seconds
Visitor Code valid for 3 - 336 hours
Passage mode for daytime use
Set audible tone on or off
Battery check
Time Out when incorrect code entered 5 times of 3 minutes
Electromechanical Door Locks
Electromechanical Solutions
General Description
For 30 years Lockwood’s iconic 001 has been securing homes in Australia. The 001 as
we know it today has now become digital. As with the original product, the 001Touch™
uses the 001 Deadlatch to secure the door internally however, the external cylinder has
been replaced with a stylish digital touch screen keypad. The ability to use a pin code or
key card offers a convenient keyless solution.
Key Features
Touch screen Keypad
The touch screen keypad has no mechanical buttons which means no trace of your
secret pin code.
4-12 Digit pin code
Choose a pin code from 4 – 12 digits, this could be ideal for children or occupants that
loose keys on a regular basis.
Key Cards