ASSA ABLOY motor locks installation guide
The lock must be in fail safe (fail unlocked) mode
before making mechanical or electrical adjustments.
Set the lock to fail safe mode, then turn off the power.
You will then be able to see the screws through
the hole.
Setting handle operation 813C-50, 815C-50, 820C-50,
825C-50, 835C-50
Adjusting screws for desired operation
To set the lock for split or fixed spindle operation,
adjust the Torx 5 screws to the following positions.
Note! Adjust each screw to the stop position:
Setting handle operation 813C-50, 815C-50, 820C-50,
825C-50, 835C-50
The lock must be in fail safe (fail unlocked) mode before making mechanical or electrical adjustments.
Set the lock to fail safe mode, then turn off the power. You will then be able to see the screws through
the hole.
AAddjjuussttiinngg ssccrreew
wss ffoorr ddeessiirreedd ooppeerraattiioonn
To set the lock for split or fixed spindle operation, adjust the Torx 5 screws to the following positions.
Note! Adjust each screw to the stop position:
FFiixxeedd SSppiinnddllee
Electrically controlled inside
and outside. Unscrew the
screws to their outer
positions. Note! Adjust each
screw to the stop position.
SSpplliitt SSppiinnddllee lloocckkeedd oouuttssiiddee
Locked outside, manually
operated inside: tighten
screw on the side that will
be manually operated.
Note! Adjust each screw to
the stop position.
SSpplliitt SSppiinnddllee lloocckkeedd iinnssiiddee
Locked inside, manually
operated outside: tighten
screw on the side that will
be manually operated.
Note! Adjust each screw
to the stop position.
Fixed Spindle
Electrically controlled inside and
outside. Unscrew the screws to their
outer positions. Note! Adjust each
screw to the stop position.
Split Spindle locked outside
Locked outside, manually operated
inside: tighten screw on the side that
will be manually operated.
Note! Adjust each screw to the stop
Split Spindle locked inside
Locked inside, manually operated
outside: tighten screw on the side
that will be manually operated.
Note! Adjust each screw to the
stop position.
Adjust screws for fixed or
split spindle operation.
One screw on each side of
the lock casing. Use a Torx
5 driver bit.