ASSA ABLOY motor locks installation guide
Mark the centre line A (edge of door stile) when the
position of the lock has been decided.
Mark locations B and C.
Using a Ø20 mm wood drill bit, drill a series of holes
82 mm deep for a spindle offset of 50 mm. Clean out
the recess with a chisel so that the lock fits easily.
Using a Ø42 mm drill bit, drill through the door for
the cylinder hole and handle hole (B + C).
Using a chisel, cut a rebate 3 mm deep and 22 mm
wide for the lock face plate. Mark out where the striking
plate should sit. Drill six Ø22 mm holes 26 mm deep
for 1487-X. Clean out with a chisel so that the striking
plate fits the recess.
Chisel out a rebate for the face of the striking plate,
4 mm deep for 1487-X. Pre-drill the fixing holes for the
screws (4 x Ø3 mm holes).
If you intend to use the internal door position sensor,
fit the magnet to the striking plate. The magnet should
sit at the same height as the datum mark on the lock
face plate.
ASSA ABBLOY recommends a gap of 3 mm between
the lock stile and the striking plate. Adjust the door
so that the door seal does not press on the
hook bolt.
CAN high
CAN low
+12-24 VDC stab
Connection to the Hi-O Bus is made using four cables:
two for power and two for communication.
For installation, use EA226 (10 m) cable with
pre-installed connectors. The cable can be connected
to any location on the Hi-O bus.3