Display function declaration :
LED light the state of running ligh
When powered-on the first time, the running light twinkles, while the nixie tube does
not lit.
When started-up normally, the running light lights on, while the nixie tube shows the
designed temperature.
When operated normally, the running light lights on, while the nixie tube shows the
designed temperature.
When closed down, both LED and nixie tube are gone out.
LED light the state of Timing light
When timing set, the timing light lights on, and the nixie tube flash shows the time
setting within 5 seconds, then shows the designed temperature.
When without time setting, the timing light gone out, while the nixie tube back to the
original state.
LED light the state of defrosting/preheat light
When in the state of defrost, oil return, cold-wind proof, the defrosting/preheat light lights
on, while the nixie tube shows the designed temperature. (One-driven-one does not show
the oil return state).
When out of the state of defrost, oil return, cold-wind proof, the defrosting/preheat light
gone out,while the nixie tube shows the designed temperature.(One-drive-one dose no t
show the oil return state).
LED light the state of warning light
When nixie tube shows E* or P*, the running lights gone out, while the warning light lights on.
2.Trouble display of outdoor unit
(1)During standby, the digital tube displays the numbers of indoor unit currently
connected and communicating.
(2)When the compressor operates, the digital tube displays the frequency value
of the inverter compressor;
(3)The digital tube displays
during defrosting;
The digital tube displays
during oil return
(4)During trouble protection, the information code displayed by the digital tube.
Manual Switch
Nixie tube
Running light
Timing light
D e f r o s t i n g /
preheat light
warning light