Doc ID: ADR244A/PC/01
Rev No.: 01
Page No.: 8 of 15
Event Recording:
ADR244A relay is providing feature to record
and store 512 nos. of events in non-volatile
memory through internally by protection and
control functions and externally by triggering
of digital inputs, and can be extracted using
communication port or viewed on front of
LCD display. The event shall be trigger on
time stamp through time synchronization or
internal clock setting.
Disturbance recording:
relay is provides built in
disturbance recording facility for recoding of
analogue and digital channels. Relay records
10 nos. of disturbances and store in to non-
volatile memory. Disturbance records can be
saved in IEEE COMTRADE format and
same can be analyzed in disturbance
analysis software.
Fault recording:
ADR244A relay is providing fault record
facility. The fault records can be display
either on HMI display or in RTV2 software.
The relay can records 10 nos. of fault
records in non-volatile memory.
Online metering feature of ADR244A relay is
providing metering of parameters (i.e. current
magnitude) on HMI display or in RTV2
Independent Protection settings
ADR244A relay provides two independent
settings groups to allow operate relay on
different power system operating conditions.
IEC 60870-5-103 Protocol:
ADR244A relay provides internationally
standardized protocol for communication via
RS485 port of protection relays. IEC 60870-
5-103 protocol used worldwide and
supported by relay manufacturers.