Attach the leather brake
to the front top rail with a
15mm (5/8”) round head
Thread the tension knob
through the leather brake
band and into the front
top rail.
Insert the 2 wooden lazy
kate rods into the holes in
the sides of the Spinner.
If you want to ply your
yarn, spare bobbins are
available from your local
Ashford Dealer.
The Spinner is
bobbin lead and will
require very little tension
to draw the yarn onto the
bobbin. Only apply a
minimum tension.
Apply a drop of oil to
the flyer shaft and slide
the bobbin onto it. Then
position the flyer into
the front and back flyer
bearings. At the same
time locate the stretchy
drive belt on to the
middle groove in the
bobbin whorl & wrap
it around the middle
groove in the wheel.
There should be
2-3mm (1/8”) clearance
between the flyer and
flyer bearings. If not
loosen the bolts securing
the top rails, adjust the
clearance and retighten.