X-3D-BL User’s Manual
A Troubleshooting
This chapter holds solutions to problems which might
occur during the operation of your X-3D-BL UFO.
A.1 The vehicle drifts
significantly into a certain
Turn the system off and on again and make sure
that it is held totally still until the X-3D shows the
green or the green light. If the problem still
exists hold the vehicle in your hand (hold the lower
part of the X-CSM Core), turn on the motors careful-
ly, give
throttle and figure out in which direction
it tilts. Move the corresponding trimmer on your R/C
in the opposite direction. Repeat this until the drift is
very small, that means until the vehicle stays kind of
leveled for a few seconds after startup. Now also the
take-off should work without any problems.
The vehicle always turns into the same
direction, even though the relevant trimmer
is at maximum and the vehicle was definitely
held still during startup
Is your remote control taught-in correctly? Connect
the X-Base to your PC using the USB adapter and
open the X-Control software to check if all channels
are detected as centered if the sticks on the R/C are
centered. If this is not the case repeat the teach-in of
your R/C following the instructions given by the soft-
A.2 Bad reception during flight
If the X-3D-BL does not react while it is airborne,
please check if someone else uses the same channel.
Make sure your TX battery is fully charged and that
the antenna is fully extended. If you are still having
trouble you can to the following test to check the
range of your R/C system:
During the range check all other transmitters should
be switched off. The best location to do the test is a
big open field, as metallic objects like cars or wire
fences could influence the result. You need a helper
who holds your transmitter with the antenna as close
to vertical as possible. Turn the X-3D-BL on and wait
until only the green LED on the X-3D is on signali-
zing ”ready to fly”. Then walk away from the trans-
mitter until the yellow LED starts flickering. At this
point you should be at least 100 m away from your
TX. Repeat the whole procedure with the motors run-
ning at minimum throttle. If at a distance of about 100
m the signal is still o.k. (i.e. only the green is LED
on), your reception is totally fine. Due to the size of
the aircraft and the associated visibility you will ne-
ver fly any further away than that. If the yellow LED
comes up randomly at shorter distances your TX/RX
combination is to weak. In this case you can try ex-
tending the antenna of the X-3D-BL by using a longer
plastic tube or stick which holds the antenna. A ful-
ly extended antenna works definitely better than one
which is wound around a stick as described in this ma-
nual. If you use a stub antenna at your TX this could
also be the reason for a bad reception, as such an-
tennas do not transmit the full power. In this case try
using a standard telescopic antenna instead.
A.3 No reaction on pitch and
roll commands during a
During your first attempts to fly 3D maneuvers it can
happen that your X-3D-BL suddenly stops turning
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