The vast amount of network data available from TEMS Automatic gives the
operator the key to maintaining and improving network quality. TEMS
Automatic analyzes collected data and presents the results in reports and
presentations. These show where services are unsatisfactory, allowing op-
erators to locate and fix problems before they start affecting subscribers.
To analyze problem areas, operators can choose to use TEMS
Presentation to access TEMS Automatic data, TEMS
Investigation data, or
Pocket data, and to present it graphically as statistics in routes or in
plots/bins of any shape. This makes it easy to see the network’s Quality of
Service, while also allowing operators to find the cause of any problem. All
measurements and events (radio parameters, signaling, etc.) of each single
conversation, from call setup to call end, can be presented on a map, in a
spreadsheet, in line charts, and in information windows. All views are linked
together for maximum benefit.
TEMS Automatic benefits all levels of the operator’s organization.
Reports and other information can be distributed throughout the organiza-
tion to show in detail what the current network situation looks like.
Managers are able to supervise the organization’s processes and the
services they offer. They can keep track of Key Performance Indicators,
including speech quality targets, by studying reports automatically distilled
from measurement data at user-specified times. They are aided in making
decisions on investments and organizational improvements. By getting a
tighter grip on end-to-end voice and data quality, the company is in a
better position to offer customers reliable service level agreements. TEMS
Automatic results can also give managers an indirect view of their own
workforce’s performance.
Network planners learn about places with recurrent problems by requesting
statistics confined to specific areas. This helps them reveal deficiencies in
their layout or the underlying theoretical models, and provides input for
improvements. As a result they are able to boost network utilization and
get maximum mileage out of the existing network before new invest-
ments are made.
Optimizers are notified of all sorts of local malfunctions (weak signal
reception, bad C/I, low data throughput, etc.), prompting them to try out
various adjustments to the network configuration. For more intricate
problems and in-depth analyses, a post-processing solution like TEMS™
Discovery is an indispensable complement.