when switched ON, the wheel will go into discovery mode for 30s (blinking LED)
if Simucube is switched on, it connects automatically and shows up in the
LED will indicate successful connection by blinking three times
SC2 will indicate connection/ disconnection by an audible beep (if checked in the
alternative connection:
pull both paddle shifters simultaneously to connect immediately
pull both paddle shifters simultaneously for 5s to disconnect
after driving
session, it is recommended to
switch-off/ disconnect the wheel
to avoid
constant battery drain in specific circumstances when a connection to SC is active
expected battery life of 2 - 3 years on heavy daily usage
low battery voltage:
True Drive
will show a warning message, SC2 will play an audible beep
remaining energy will still last for many days to have time for replacing the battery
to swap batteries, open access window on the rear side (1.5mm allen key required)
5. general operation