Hardware Diagnostic Tests
Testing the switch by resetting it
If you believe the switch is not operating correctly, you can reset the switch to test its circuitry and operating
code. To reset a switch, either:
Unplug and plug in the power cord (power cycling). Wait a minimum of five seconds after unplugging
before plugging the power cord back in.
Reboot the switch through the CLI with the
boot system
Power cycling the switch causes the switch to reset. The reset process also causes any network traffic counters
and the System Up Time timer to reset to zero.
Checking the Switch LEDs
Diagnosing with the LEDs on page 52
for information on interpreting the LED patterns.
Checking Console Messages
Useful diagnostic messages may be displayed on the console screen when the switch is reset. Connect a PC
running a VT-100 terminal emulator program to the switch’s Console Port and configure it to run at 115200
baud and with the other terminal communication settings shown in
Terminal Configuration on page 47
Then, when you reset the switch, note the messages that are displayed. Additionally, you can check the
switch event log, which can be accessed from the console using the
show events
Testing Switch-to-Device Network Communications
You can perform the following communication tests to verify the network is operating correctly between the
switch and any connected device that can respond correctly to the communication test.
Link Test:
a physical layer test that sends IEEE 802.2 test packets to any device identified by its MAC
Ping Test:
a network layer test used on IP networks that sends test packets to any device identified by
its IP address.
These tests can be performed through the switch console interface from a terminal connected to the switch
or through a Telnet connection, or from the switch’s web browser interface.
Testing End-to-End Networking Communications
Both the switch and the cabling can be tested by running an end-to-end communications test—a test that
sends known data from one network device to another through the switch. For example, if you have two
PCs on the network that have LAN adapters between which you can run a link-level test or Ping test through
the switch, you can use this test to verify that the entire communication path between the two PCs is
functioning correctly. See your LAN adapter documentation for more information on running a link test or
Ping test.
Battery Statements:
Aruba 8360 Switch Series | Installation and Getting Started Guide