5.2.3. Bypass
This one is obvious. Activating the bypass option will completely disable the Comp
DIODE-609 plug-in. This action may also be performed via the Power switch. When the
plug-in is bypassed, the GUI is dimmed and shows the word "Bypassed".
5.2.4. Undo
The Undo button is a curved arrow pointing to the left. This button reverses the last edit you
performed. If clicked repeatedly, it will reverse the parameter changes in the order they
were performed in the session, from the latest ones to the earliest ones.
5.2.5. History
This button lists all the latest parameter changes performed in the current session. You can
always see the last four edited parameters, but using the mouse wheel or the navigation
bar to the right allows you to access earlier edited parameters.
5.2.6. Redo
The Redo button is a curved arrow pointing to the right. This button works exactly the
opposite way of the Undo button. It will reinstate the last undone edit. If clicked repeatedly,
it will reinstate the parameter changes in the order they were undone (the latest undone
ones first).
Arturia - User Manual Comp DIODE-609 - USER INTERFACE