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10-2 ARTCAM-1000MI-WOM series
Standard functions (configurable in standard viewer/SDK)
Analog gain
Global gain (analog gain) can be configured with the standard viewer software or SDK.
Setting range on standard viewer software: 0
– 127 (x0 to x1.984375)
Default value on standard viewer software: 64
Analog gain = gain value * 0.015625
Example 1) when the setting value is 64:
Analog gain = 64* 0.015625= x1.0
Optional functions (please contact us for further details.)
Analog gain:
The analog range can be set up to 24 times by the standard viewer and SDK.
Digital gain:
The digital gain on this camera is fixed at x1 and its maximum value can be set up to x7.
Black level correction:
By default, black level correction is set automatically, and the Pedestal level is set to 168 at 12bit.
(When output is at 8bit, the Pedestal level is approximately 168 / 16 = 10.5)
Black level correction could also be set manually by the SDK.
The target value of Pedestal level (168) can also be modified.