2. Place the Tracer Jr. on top of the art or
design with the opening at the bottom of the
projector positioned over the area you wish to
3. Make sure the black on/off switch on top
of the unit is in the “O” (off) position. Plug the
Tracer Jr. into an electrical outlet and fl ip the
black switch to the “I” (on) position.
4. Turn off any room lights and point the
Tracer Jr. toward the desired wall or vertical
surface (i.e. easel, canvas etc.).
Sizing and Focusing
To change the size of the projected image,
move the Tracer Jr. either closer to the
projection surface (i.e. wall, easel, canvas, etc.)
for a smaller enlargement, or farther away for a
greater enlargement. Then, focus by sliding the
lens barrel in or out slowly until the projected
image becomes clear. The Tracer Jr. can
enlarge an image anywhere between 4 and 10
times the original size. See Distance Chart for
desired sizes and approximate distances.
Tips & Techniques
Projecting Oversized Copy
To project and trace artwork or designs
larger than the 3.5” x 3.5” display area of the
projector, project the image in sections. Project
one portion of the design at a time. Once you
have drawn a section, move the copy and
realign the projected image to the stopping
point of the traced area. Resume tracing and
repeat as many times as necessary. The other
alternative to oversized copy is to reduce the
original on a copier, so that it fi ts within the 3.5”
x 3.5” copy area.
Small 3-D Objects
Your Tracer Jr. will project small, fl at, three-
dimensional objects such as coins, jewelry,
etc. To project 3-D objects simply place the
projector over the portion of the object you
wish to project, or over the entire object.
WARNING: Never place fl ammable or
pressurized materials or objects in or near
the projector when in operation. The heat
from the projector may cause them to
burst or ignite.
Minimizing Distortion
To minimize image distortion, your Tracer Jr.
must be set up perpendicular to the wall on
which the image is being projected. Moving
the projector slightly until the projected image
appears square and accurate will generally
produce better results. However, if you are
projecting words or symmetrical designs, it is
helpful to measure the height of the word or
design on one side of the projected image and
compare it to the other side. If they are not the
same, adjust the projector as needed.
4x 6x 8x 10x
40” 56”
(1.02m) (1.42m) (1.83m) (2.34m)