Page 5
daliGate quad User Guide
The indicator meanings are as follows:
Online: Green = live connection between browser & product; Red = connection lost
Power: Green = powered; Flashing green = Identify; Red = Fault
Net: Yellow = Link; Green = Art-Net or sACN activity
Fig 1: daliGate quad
internal web browser
DALI Circuit Settings
The settings for each DALI circuit can be
configured via the web-browser using the
following columns:
Circuit: The DALI circuit number (1-4)
Active: Green shows changing data
Universe: Set the universe (port address)
for this output (see note below)
Protocol: Select either Art-Net or sACN
control over this output.
Merge: Select HTP or LTP merge when
2 controllers send data to this port (for
more information, see ‘Merging’ section)
on page 8).
DMX512 Start Addresses
Each DALI output circuit contains 3 virtual
RDM devices that are used to access the
Broadcast, Group and Device.
Virtual RDM device number 1 controls
broadcast. It has a footprint of 1 and its default
DMX start address is 1.
Virtual RDM device number 2 controls group
addressing. It has a footprint of 16 (there are
16 group addresses) and its default DMX start
address is 2.
Virtual RDM device number 3 controls device
addressing. It has a footprint of 64 (there
are 64 device or channel addresses) and its
default DMX start address is 18.
In order to restore the product to its factory
default state, hold down the reset button (under
the terminal guard) and cycle the power.
Factory reset
For the avoidance of cross-protocol
confusion, users are advised to number
universes from 1.