Controlling the XY Autosampler through Agilent ChemStation
Controlling the XY Autosampler through
Agilent ChemStation
Setting Up Agilent ChemStation
To control your XY autosampler through the Agilent ChemStation, your first
have to assign it as sampling system.
Start your Agilent ChemStation.
Select a mode from the Mode drop down list box.
The XY autosampler is supported in standard, advanced and dissolution
In the Sampling drop down list box choose XY autosampler.
Before you start working with your autosampler, check all XY autosampler
parameters you can set in the Agilent ChemStation software.
Press the Setup button and in the Setup Autosampler dialog box set the:
Path Length of your cuvette in use. The default path length is 1 cm.
Unit-ID of your XY autosampler. The default Unit-ID is 10. See also “Unit
ID of the XY Autosampler” on page 32.
Maximum Depth up to which the needle moves down into the vials. The
default depth is 110 mm.
Rack Code of the rack holding the vials. The default rack code is 21. The
rack that comes with your system has always got rack code 21.
First increment, which means if you first want to proceed sampling in the
Y- or X-direction.
Press the Parameter button in the Setup Autosampler dialog box and set the:
Pump time of your peristaltic pump by putting in the Pump edit box the
number of seconds for which the pump will draw analyte in the flow cell.
The default pump time is 20 s.
Wait Time in the Wait Time edit box. Here you define the time in seconds
for which the sample is allowed to stabilize in the cell before the
measurement is made. The default wait time is 3 s.
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