Bitporter User Guide
Chapter 4 – Using the Achronix STAPL Player
The Achronix STAPL Player (
) takes the bitstream output of the
Achronix CAD Environment (ACE) in STAPL format, and then runs (or plays) the STAPL
program. The program causes the Bitporter pod to pass these commands to the JTAG port of
an Achronix FPGA. The STAPL player executable is run from a Windows or Linux command
Command Syntax
The STAPL player command syntax is:
acx_stapl_player [options] [filename]
The available command options are listed in
The option names are not case sensitive.
Table 4-1:
acx_stapl_player.exe Command Options
Displays the help message.
Displays the name and state of all available USB-connected pods, and
all Ethernet-connected pods regardless of availability (the pod's cur-
rent owner's IP address is shown if the pod is not available).
“Querying the Availability of Connected Pods (-q
Specifies an action name (see
Enables an optional procedure.
Disables a recommended procedure.
Initializes STAPL variable (var) to specified value (val).
Sets IPv4 configuration of a currently USB-connected pod to DHCP
(dynamic IP) so that it may be connected via Ethernet.
Displays the current IPv4 configuration of a connected pod.
Static IP Configuration mode sets the static IPv4 configuration of a cur-
rently USB-connected pod so that it may be connected via Ethernet. The
argument <
is a comma-delimited list of configuration options —
follow the s with a comma, then the desired IP address, a comma, then
the subnet mask, a comma, then the default gateway.
Static IP example: