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Artisan Controls Corporation, 111 Canfield Ave., Bldg B15-18, Randolph, NJ 07869
E Event Controller User’s Manual
Page 9
Finally, the controller is constantly checking the current output schedules and taking action upon them ,
even during schedule editing. If you add or delete an event, once it is saved the controller scans the entire
schedule and sets the output appropriately. If you want to prevent this, simply disable the schedule until
you are done editing it. Alternately, you can disconnect the output connector.
The 5400-E controller allows you to enter up to 15 holidays. On
a holiday all output schedules are disabled and the outputs will
be turned off from midnight to midnight.
Press the [Holidays] button and the window to the right
appears, showing the 15 holidays and whether the holidays are
enabled or disabled.
To enable the holidays press the button to the right and it
turns ON, press it again and it turns OFF.
A value of “----“ in a holiday button shows that it is not
configured. Press any of the holiday buttons and the window
on the right appears showing the month and date.
Press the [+] or [-] buttons to the right of the month change
the month, and the same buttons to the right of the date
change the date. Pressing the [Clear] button sets them both to
dashes which means that is not configured.
Press the [SAVE] button to save the holiday and you return to
the first window showing the holiday configuration.
Similar to editing events, you do not have to enter holidays in calendar sequence.
If holidays are enabled the holiday function flag in the main window will be visible. If the current day is not
configured to be a holiday it will display as [
]. If the current day is a holiday in the current configuration
the function flag will display as [
] indicating that the outputs are disabled.