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Artisan Controls Corporation, 111 Canfield Ave., Bldg B15-18, Randolph, NJ 07869
E Event Controller User’s Manual
Page 8
[Copy Schedule] allows you to copy schedules from one output
to another with just a few button pushes.
Press the [Copy Schedule] button the window on the right
opens. When this window first loads none of the From or To
buttons are highlighted and the [COPY] button is blank.
Press the button for the output schedule you want to copy
from and it turns green if it has a schedule. Then press the
output button you want to copy the schedule to and it
If the from output has events and there are enough events
available in the system the [COPY] button will now show COPY.
Press the button and all the events are copied.
Programming Note: This can be used to store different
schedules for different times of the year … For example you can
create a schedule for the winter months and save in one output
and then create a summer schedule and save it in another
output. Those two ‘storage’ outputs need to be disabled but
they can still store a schedule while disabled. Then each season
you delete the schedule in the active output and copy in the
appropriate schedule. Each output can be assigned a name (up
to 7 characters) which can help you remember which season is
saved in which output.
[Delete Schedule] deletes all events in the selected output or
in all outputs. Press the [Delete Schedule] and the window to
the right appears.
Simply press the button corresponding to the output schedule
to delete, or press the [Delete All] button to clear all the